Monday, October 25, 2010

firefox 3.6.x proxy ntlm authenticaiton issue

If you are using NTLM proxy authentication, the 3.6.x will keep on popping up the password dialog box. This is because the firefox switches from their internal NTLM implementation to native NTLM windows API. The workaround is to set: network.auth.force-generic-ntlm to fallback to old ways.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Create a vista Gadget

Got my Windows 7 box in both home and office. It is time to play the Gadget side bar!

As a start project, I want to create a gadget to monitor a web site. Whenever it changes, it will display different icon. So you need a html file, a xml configuration file, and a javascript.

(1) How to access the Internet?
There are two ways: XMLHTTPRequest or create a dll to wrap the logic inside. Here I use the first approach.

(2) The regular request seems never sent out
It is because of the cache. Add the header like:
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Sat 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT");

(3) How to detect the network connection error
You can hook a timeout. Or if simply the web server did not start up, you will get the status code 12029 (WinInet error of the attmpt to connection to the server failed).

(4) I use:
<body onload="start();windows.setInterval('refresh()',5000)" ....>
to request the web site every 5 seconds.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

decrypt the web page encrypted using HTML Guardian

After open the page, instead of using view the source, in the address bar, input:
javascript:var sorc=document.documentElement.outerHTML;"text/plain");document.write(sorc);